Houghton's Pond |
I managed to stop by
Houghton Gardens a few days ago for just a couple of minutes and while I barely had enough time to walk around this small gem, I thought I heard a brown creeper. So in a quest to see my first creeper of MA, I headed back to Houghton Gardens this weekend.
I had a late start at 11am and arrived just as a few dog walkers were leaving. I made my way around the gardens slowly as there isn't much distance to cover in this tucked away corner of Chestnut Hill. My first find of the day was a song sparrow lurking in the brush piles that appear to be deliberately placed. I heard more rustling in the leaves in the rhododendrons, but couldn't find anyone. But as I headed down the dead end trail in the peninsula, a cardinal pair were disturbed and took up "chink" calls from the saplings. I could faintly make out the calls of mourning doves and a nuthatch, while the chickadees were not so subtle in their scolding. Back by the T tracks I managed to find a shy hermit thrush who was noisily turning the leaf litter from the forest floor.
Hermit Thrush |
And either there were two, or I ran into the same one again because I got two great views of this thrush before some joggers spooked it. I made my way up to the overlook, which is where I heard the creeper before, but today I only stirred up a family of juncos who flew twittering across the pond. I later found them foraging on the edge of the ice, though I can't imagine there was too much there to find. Just before I left, I thought I caught a glimpse of a blue jay, but was unable to find it again to be sure. I am very much looking forward to visiting again for spring migration, I can imagine that warblers would love it here.
I can't believe you keeping seeing Hermit Thrushes! At Nahanton and now at Houghton! Think it must be this weird winter...